Two of the most versatile pieces of exercise equipment are the Stability Ball and the BOSU which is the acronym for BOth Sides Utilized. The question you probably would ask is which is better. It depends on your needs.
The Stability Ball and BOSU are designed to improve balance, body awareness, coordination and posture. However, each one offers different benefits:

1. Height: The Stability Ball and BOSU have a big difference in height. Stability balls come between 45 - 85 cm. The size of the ball is a function of your stature. (Note that I have a 65, 55 and 45 cm diameter balls to accommodate the various heights of my private yoga one-on-one clients.). A BOSU is inflated to be firm (with a little give) such that it is only about 8.5” to 10” above the floor. So, if sitting down at 8.5” to 10” inches above the floor is an issue for you, then, the best option for you is a Stability Ball.
2. Proper Alignment: Maintaining proper alignment in the Stability Ball stimulates the body’s natural motor reflexes and encourages the body to react as a whole, integrated unit. This type of movement corresponds to how you move about in a normal day. Training on the ball challenges the whole body to participate in order to maintain correct posture and balance, and to perform dynamic exercise movement. The Stability Ball is considered the most effective exercise tool to improve and develop pelvic, shoulder and spine stability because the person has no other support to rely own except his or her own body. If you feel like falling off, your body will automatically alert you of the problem and then make the necessary corrections thus reinforcing positive movement patterns. On the other hand, you can do similar yoga poses on the BOSU but the Stability Ball has a slight edge as it pertains to Spinal Alignment. However, the BOSU is essentially a half Stability ball mounted on a rigid plastic base, making it more stable. You can use the BOSU ball with the dome side facing up, so it sits flat on the plastic base, or as a wobble board with the dome side facing down. The BOSU can be used for strength (including core) training, stretching and balance.
3. Flexibility Training: The Stability Ball and BOSU give you various options of doing the
same yoga poses, but you experience different sensations. A backbend on a Stability Ball will feel more like a Wheel while a back bend on a BOSU might feel more like an intense chest opener.

As you see, both the Stability Ball and BOSU give you a lot of options to meet your needs. If you still have questions or concerns then let’s begin with an interview or if you are ready to begin, then click here for Athletes and Seniors for Yoga on a Stability Ball or BOSU.
Terri Miles holds several yoga certifications and registrations, including:
E-RYT 200, E-RYT 500, RCYT and YCEP
Learn more about Terri's training and certifications.